Antwort auf: Font-Liste beschränken

Startseite Foren Deutsches LiveCode-Forum Font-Liste beschränken Antwort auf: Font-Liste beschränken


    Guten Morgen,

    auf Klaus‘ Vorschlag von 15:54h habe ich mal hier

    Jetzt habe ich einen Stapel mit 2 Zeichensatzlisten:
    • alle Computer-Zeichensätze,
    • durch Zeilenklick ausgewählte Zeichensätzew.

    Die Taste [pd] soll nur ‚meine‘ Fonts (‚UserFontList‘),
    die Taste [LC] soll alle Zeichensätze in LiveCodes Text-Menu anbieten.

    [LC] hat dieses Script:

    on MouseUp
      SetUpTextMenu "LC"
    end MouseUp

    [pd] hat dieses Script:

    on MouseUp
      SetUpTextMenu "pd"
    end MouseUp

    Das Stapel-Skript sieht so aus:

    private on setupTextMenu ModeX
      put fld "UserFontList" into UserFontList
      if UserFontList = "" then
        beep 3
        answer "User Font List is empty ..."
        exit to Top
      end if
      local tText
      put toggleMenuItem("Plain/;", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("&Bold/B", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("&Italic/I", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("&Underline/U", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("Strikeout", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("Box", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("3D Box", false) & return after tText
      put "-" & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("Link", false) & return after tText
      put "-" & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("Subscript", false) & return after tText
      put toggleMenuItem("Superscript", false) & return after tText
      put "-" & return after tText
      put "Font" & return after tText
      local tFontNames
      if ModeX = "LC"
      then put the FontNames into tFontNames
      else put UserFontList into tFontNames
      replace "/" with "\" in tFontNames
      sort lines of tFontNames
      put ModeX & cr & tFontNames
      /* Fake fonts begin with "(", but the menu code interprets a "(" at
      the beginning of the item to mean the item is disabled.
      So, to show a "(" instead of disabling, we need to double it */
      repeat with tLine = 1 to the Number of lines of tFontNames
        if line tLine of tFontNames begins with "(" then
          put "(" before line tLine of tFontNames
        end if
      end repeat
      put "Use Owner's Font" & return & "-" & return before tFontNames
      local fontnum
      put 1 into fontnum
      repeat for each line tFontName in tFontNames
        if tFontName is "-" then
          put tab & tFontName & return after tText
          put "!u" & tab & tFontName & return after tText
        end if
      end repeat
      put "Size" & return after tText
      local tFontSizes
      put Format("Use Owner's Size\n-\n8\n9\n10\n12\n14\n18\n24\n36\n48\n-\nOther...") into tFontSizes
      repeat for each line l in tFontSizes
        if l is "-" then put tab & l & cr after tText
        else put "!u" & tab & l & cr after tText
      end repeat
      put "Color" & cr after tText
      local tColors
      put Format("Use Owner's Color\n-\nBlack\nWhite\nRed\nGreen\nBlue\nYellow\n-\nPen Color") into tColors
      repeat for each line tColor in tColors
        if tColor is "-" then
          put tab & tColor & return after tText
          put "!u" & tab & tColor & return after tText
        end if
      end repeat
      put  "-" & return & "&Align" & return & "!u"  & tab & "Left" & return & "!u" & tab & "Center" & return & "!u" & tab & "Right" after tText
      # Cache the text menu text in non-disabled state
      put tText into sTextMenuText
      repeat for each line tLine in tText
        if the Platform is "MacOS" and tab is in tLine then
          replace tab with empty in tLine
          local tDisabledText
          put tab & "(" & tLine & return after tDisabledText
          put "(" & tLine & return after tDisabledText
        end if
      end repeat
      delete last char of tDisabledText
      # Cache the disabled text menu text
      put tDisabledText into sTextMenuDisabledText
      put tDisabledText
    end setupTextMenu
    function toggleMenuItem pItem, pHilited
      if pHilited then
        return "!c" & pItem
      end if
      return "!n" & pItem
    end toggleMenuItem

    Noch läuft es nicht wie gewünscht; so zeigt das Text-Menu unverändert die (volle) Computer-Font-Liste.

    Bis später
